Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Host Program Cycle Begins in April, Call for Volunteers!

Our now Host Program cycle begins in April which is the beginning of the next pairing of newcomers and volunteers in our popular Be-Friends and Family Friendship Programs.

For those who are unfamiliar with the program, Be-Friends pairs adults aged 19-30 and Family Friendship pairs parents of any age. A volunteer who has lived here for 3 years or more is paired with a newcomer based on shared interests, and the two spend an hour or so each week doing things they both enjoy and talking about life in the city.

This is a great program for people who work full-time, and includes great training and bi-monthly group activities; all during evenings or weekends!

Participating in this free program will allow you to meet more people, make new friends, and enjoy multi-cultural events and more! Sign-up to participate in this fun-filled, rewarding, cross-cultural program!

Contact: Francina
250-361-9433, ext 242 / email: