Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I-YES: Congratulations and Thanks!

A big and hearty congratulations to the first group of I-YES participants who have graduated from this pilot program which began in October 2010, and wrapped up with certificates and a party and potluck on March 5th. It wouldn't have been possible without the dedicated volunteers who gave their time and talents. Thank you to volunteers Kaitlyn Cummings, Tarek Ajak, Natalia Martynova, Tali Moody-Cohen and Stephen Thornton. Thank you also to practicum students who joined us each week: Kay Otani, John Nsabima, Takayo Ishii, Melissa Chong and Rosemary Bockner.

Special thanks to Paddy Kennedy for her Speak-Up program, which culminated in a very successful show, Voices of the World, and powerful performances by the I-YES youth. Thank you also to Mike Sheehan for his dedicated work on this program.